Facebook Basics covers statistics you need to know, why storytelling is so vital on this platform, how ordinary causes strong marketing results, and why video ...
The real advantage of Facebook is that it's a real-time social networking site. This makes it one of the best sources to stay updated with the latest news and happenings others share. Its also a great way for others to see what you are doing. Since it’s a social platform, it should be social. Engagement needs to be about what is going on besides real estate. It’s okay to do something related; such as, curb appeal or staging tips.
Mastering Facebook and understanding algorithms is a critical part of utilizing this platform. Facebook wants a positive response for you and them. There is a ...
You know what a Facebook Group is but have no idea why you should use one. Listen in as we discuss the power of Facebook ...
You are ready to start a Facebook Group but don’t know how to best set it up. We’ll walk you through setting one up and ...
It’s hard to keep all the different forums straight. Join in as we discuss best practices for using your Facebook groups to create connections that ...